House Rules

1. General Code of Conduct

a. Be kind to each other, don’t be an asshole. To maintain a safe(r) space, we do not tolerate any form of racism, sexism, discrimination, homophobia, ageism, transphobia and ableism.

b. Consent is key. Ask before you act. Do not touch, talk, approach people without asking.

c. Beware of the space you’re taking up. Our events should be a safe(r) space for people of all shapes, backgrounds, colors, genders and identities. This is why we must make sure that our community feels secure and free. From the way they look to the way they (un)dress to the people they love. If you don’t resonate with these views and values, this event offers no space for you.

d. Consume responsibly - Know your limits and take care of yourself and the people around you.

e. Leave no trace - Respect the nature around you: reuse your cups, don’t throw your cigarette butts on the floor, separate the recycling, pick up waste if you see some, even if it’s not yours.

f. Be kind to our neighbours  -  Park your bike in the bike racks, don’t block roads and behave when you’re leaving.

g. Let's focus on being in the moment and minimise the use of phones atf Hintergarten. We hold a no-flash camera policy and we do not accept any professional camera equipment without permission.

h . Der Hintergarten utilises lighting that may be dangerous for people with a sensitivity for seizures, epilepsy or who’ve had stroke(s). Der Hintergarten can not be held responsible for any injuries resulting from this.

i. Open use of drugs is prohibited.

j. Be aware of your belongings and pick-pocketing. If you see suspicious behaviour, notify the security. Der Hintergarten cannot be held responsible for theft and lost items, either on the premises or in the lockers.

You can email to check if your lost items have been found.

2. Practical Information & Rules

a. Der Hintergarten does not serve alcohol to anyone under the age of 18. Visitors who sell or pass on alcohol to persons under the age of 18 years will be denied access.

b. Visitors under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be denied access.

c. At all times, visitors must follow the instructions of staff and inform themselves of any additional public communications in and around the terrain

d. Step out of the dance floor and consult a security guard or staff member if you experience any of the following health problems or symptoms when exposed to flashing or flickering lights: sore eyes, changes in vision, migraines, muscle twitching, fits or other involuntary movements, temporary unconsciousness, impaired consciousness, or confusion or disorientation.

e. In Der Hintergarten sound of more than 85 dB can be produced. Der Hintergarten cannot be held responsible for the adverse consequences that this may cause to the hearing. Visiting Der Hintergarten is entirely at your own risk.

Earplugs are available at the bar.

f. We are a pin-only venue.

3. Prohibited

a. possess or use hard drugs

b. sell any soft or hard drugs or other goods such as tickets,

c. possess weapons, dangerous/sharp objects or other objects or substances which could possibly cause harassment.

d.commit theft, destruction or vandalism,

e. use professional camera or recording equipment without permission, distribute flyers or other promotional material in and around the building without permission,

f. take glasses or bottles, with or without liquor, outside of the terrain bring own consumptions.

g. Bringing your own food or beverages is not allowed. Refreshments are available on-site. For dietary needs, please contact our staff. Thank you!

4. Consequences

a. If a visitor doesn’t live up to our house rules and code of conduct, Der Hintergarten holds the right to remove the visitor from the premises, or to deny them entry. 

b. If Der Hintergarten is vandalised by a visitor, Der Hintergarten is entitled to appropriate compensation for damage or other costs incurred.